
Tuition rates per course offered through the Department of 研究生学习 and the Department of 继续教育 at 十大网赌信誉平台 are as follows:

Course Rates Fall 2023 through Summer 2024 (费用为506美元,包括学费)

研究生(不包括MBA, MSN, PSM, MSOL)$1,390.每门00
毕业生:MBA, MSN, PSM, MSOL$1,590.每门00
研究生国际学生费$1,350.00 per semester in addition to course cost. (Waived if student is only enrolled in online courses from abroad)

Please note: State law requires all full-time students to have health insurance.

老兵们,请看我们的 Veterans Edition of the All about 学费和杂费 有关每项信贷利率的资料!


十大网赌信誉平台 (FSU) offers a 10% discount to employees of the 公司/organizations listed below who enroll in credit-bearing undergraduate or graduate courses offered through 研究生学习 and 继续教育 (DGCE).

  • Akamai技术
  • 医疗服务公司)athenahealth公司.
  • Atrius健康
  • 北京批发公司办事处
  • 马萨诸塞州的蓝十字蓝盾
  • 玻色
  • 波士顿科学公司
  • 弗雷明汉市
  • Centria自闭症
  • 康卡斯特公司
  • 英联邦金融网络
  • 坎伯兰农场
  • CVS健康
  • 戴尔和EMC
  • 爱默生医院
  • Eversource
  • GE生命科学
  • 湖制药
  • 布里格姆少将
  • MathWorks
  • MetroWest医疗中心
  • 河滨社区护理
  • 赛诺菲安万特genzyme
  • 斯台普斯
  • SunLife金融
  • 汉诺威保险集团有限公司.
  • TJX公司
  • 纳蒂克镇
  • 马萨诸塞大学纪念医疗保健
  • 终极克洛诺斯集团(UKG)
  • Verizon / Verizon无线
  • Virtusa公司

Individuals interested in enrolling in a credit-bearing undergraduate or graduate course may use this form to verify employment and will be required to have it signed by their employer’s Human Resources/Employee Benefits Department.

The individual will then need to send completed form then email, 传真, or drop-off in person completed Employment Verification Form to the Student Accounts/Bursars Office. Once the individual has enrolled in a DGCE credit-bearing course, the Student Accounts/Bursars Office will then apply the discount code against the amount due.


学费减免, 凭证s and 课程证书s do not apply to directed studies, 实习, 领域的研究, 无学分的课程, practica, 或者安排课程. 如果你使用弃权书, 凭证, 课程证书, 贷款, 经济援助或第三方付款, you may register after providing Student Accounts with your payment information. Important: Eligibility for tuition exemption must be established prior to registration. Tuition refunds will not be granted retroactively.


If your course costs will be covered by grants, 贷款, 国家机构, 公司, 或者军队, you must present an approved letter of authorization at the time of registration, stating what costs the agency will cover and where to submit bills for payment.


Residents of Massachusetts who are 60 years of age or older may register for tuition-free undergraduate credit courses through 研究生学习 and 继续教育. You must provide proof of age and complete the Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver Form. Eligible senior citizens are responsible for the $506.00项目支持费用加上任何实验室费用. 在研究生课程中使用豁免, you must be matriculated in a 十大网赌信誉平台 master’s degree program, 研究生证书课程, or the Post Baccalaureate Teacher Licensure Program. This benefit does not apply to directed studies, practica, 实习, 领域的研究, 非学分或其他安排的课程. Senior citizens who wish to audit classes may do so with the consent of the instructor. 在线课程可能不被审核. Audited courses will be officially reported on the student's transcript, 但不会获得任何学分. Auditors may not actively participate in coursework.


Veterans eligible for the state tuition exemption are responsible for the $506.00项目支持费用加上任何实验室费用. 学费减免 do not apply to directed studies, practica, 实习, 领域的研究, 无学分的课程 or other arranged courses. To qualify for the veteran’s tuition waiver, you must have served in the Armed Forces as outlined in the Board of Higher Education memorandum of November, 11, 1992. You are required to submit the DD214 form and the University’s Proof of Residency Form. Active status personnel must supply a copy of their orders. Members of the National Guard or Reserves must submit a Certificate of Eligibility signed by the Commanding Officer. 在研究生课程中使用豁免, you must be matriculated in a 十大网赌信誉平台 master’s degree program, 研究生证书课程, or the Post Baccalaureate Teacher Licensure Program. 适用所有其他资格要求. Veterans Federal Education Benefits In order to qualify for Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) education benefits, veterans and dependents must be matriculated in a 十大网赌信誉平台 degree program. DVA benefits only apply to those courses meeting degree requirements. Beneficiaries must complete an Enrollment Certificate when they register, and they must submit the DD214 or Certificate of Eligibility when filing for the first time. If you have questions about Veterans’ Education Benefits, contact the DVA: 888-GIBILL-1 (888-442-4551) or visit their web site.

注册滞纳金: A $30.00 late fee will be charged for registrations received on or after the first day of the semester. Please see the academic calendar for the late fee dates.

额外费用 可以申请. Refer to the course schedule for total cost information.

退款规则 are based on the academic calendar and course meeting dates. Click here for more information on the refund policy for courses offered through 研究生学习 and 继续教育.

Audit (Audit - No Credit/Grade Earned) costs are $1,本科生1万美元,毕业生:000, in addition to associated lab/studio fees, 课本(s), 或所需材料. A student may request to audit a course with the written consent of the instructor prior to the start of the 继续教育 course. Such course enrollment will be officially reported on the student’s transcript pending approval by the instructor, but the student will not receive any credit. An auditor may not participate actively in course work.